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Daniel hadn't had this much fun at a zoo since the time his parents took him to one.  It wasn't because of the animals, but, rather, the company.  The two adults enjoyed watching Danny look at all the creatures.  What they enjoyed even more, however, were the cuddles and kisses they shared.  As they were sitting on a bench at Duck Lake, watching Danny studying all the birds on and around the water, Daniel teasingly said that anyone looking at him and Sam would think they were newlyweds, if it wasn't for Danny.

Sam wrapped her arms around his waist.  "Hmm.  Newlyweds, huh?"  She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "I'm sure you know what else newlyweds do a lot of."

Daniel gave her a sultry smile.  "As a matter of fact, I do," he replied in a low voice.  "And we will certainly be getting back to that tonight."

Sam also smiled.  "A thought occurred to me a little while ago."

"What thought is that?"

"I'm very glad there's a six-foot-high wooden fence around your backyard."

Daniel chuckled.  "So am I.  Despite the fact that I've studied and spent time in cultures that have a pretty uninhibited viewpoint about sex, including sex in less than private places, I think that giving my new neighbors a peepshow is beyond what I'd be willing to do.  You know, there was a time when I would have felt uncomfortable about doing what we did even with the fence, but that was before I spent a year on Abydos with Sha're.  There were many times when the only thing separating us from several dozen other Abydonians was a piece of material.  It took some time getting used to making love with Sha're when I knew that anyone passing by could hear us."  He grinned.  "I suppose this is a good thing since, sooner or later, Danny's liable to hear us."

Sam grinned as well.  "And are you going to be the one to explain what the strange noises were that he heard from the bedroom?"

Daniel leaned into her.  "What strange noises would those be, Major Carter?" he whispered against her lips.

The new lovers shared a kiss that was slightly more passionate than the parents passing by with their kids may have been happy about them doing in public.

Daniel, Sam and Danny remained at the zoo until it closed, then headed back to Colorado Springs.  They ate dinner at a fast food place, then went to Sam's place, where she put a change of clothes and a few other things in an overnight bag.

That evening, the three played charades, a game Daniel had played only once before in his life.  They spent more time laughing than they did playing the game.

"I wish you lived with us all the time," Danny said to Sam after the game was over.  The comment made her and Daniel share a long look.

When Danny's bedtime came, he insisted that he didn't need to be put to bed, that he could do it himself.  Daniel smiled at the declaration.  It was yet another sign that Danny was getting back to normal.  The archeologist had been noticing that, except when he was scared or upset, the boy's speech patterns and demeanor were also returning to that of a normal eight-year-old, except that he was a great deal more well-mannered and less rambunctious than the average boy his age.  He was also still more interested in books than he was in toys and playing, which was no surprise to Daniel since he had been the very same way, even before his parents died.  Daniel did want Danny to keep that love of books and learning, but he also wanted the boy to experience all the joys of being a kid, something Daniel himself did not have.

Sam got started on the dishes while Daniel was putting the trash out in the garbage can.  When he came back in, he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and began kissing her neck, which made it very hard for Sam to concentrate on the dishes.  And when his hands found their way under her bra and began doing incredible things to her breasts, the dishes were soon forgotten.

Craning her neck around, Sam pulled Daniel's mouth down to hers in a deep, passionate kiss.  He turned her around and pulled her against him.  When he began tugging her top up, Sam dragged her lips from his.

"What if Danny wakes up and comes out here?" she asked.  She let out a little squeak of surprise as Daniel suddenly scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.  He kicked the door shut, then fell with her onto the bed.

"Better to be safe than sorry," he said with a grin before swooping down on her mouth.

Daniel and Sam didn't get much sleep that night.  Miraculously, they managed to keep the noise level down, though it wasn't easy sometimes.

The alarm clock went off way too early for them the next morning.  Groaning, Daniel shut it off.

"I much prefer being woken up the way I was yesterday," Sam said.

"Yeah, me too."

The astrophysicist yawned hugely.  "I guess this will teach us not to act like newlyweds on a work night."

Daniel pulled her into his arms.  "We'll just make lots and lots of coffee."

Sam smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.  "Sounds like a plan to me."  They shared a long kiss.

"Good morning, lover," Sam said against Daniel's lips in a husky voice that made him wish they didn't have to go to work.

"Good morning," he replied, skimming his hand up and down her body.  "I have to say that I'm rather disappointed."

"Why's that?"

"I didn't get awakened this morning the way that I woke you up yesterday."

"Yes, you're right.  I'm afraid that might have to wait until our next day off."  Sam gave him a sexy smile.  "However," she crawled on top of him, "I think there might be just enough time for a little hanky panky."

"Ya think?"

"I do."

Grinning, Daniel pulled her lips down to his.

Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time for more than a short, intense round of making out.  Looking at the clock, they saw that, if they didn't get a move on soon, they'd be late for work.  They were both wishing that they could call in sick.

"You know what?" Sam said.


"I think I'm going to start hating Mondays."

Daniel grinned and chuckled.  "We don't always get the weekend off, you know.  Sometimes, it's other days."

"Well, whatever day it is that follows a day off, I think I'm going to hate it, if I'm here with you.  All I'm going to want to do is stay in bed with you."

"Alas, even if we didn't have to work, that would not be an option."  Daniel looked at the clock.  "There's a certain little boy in the other bedroom that would make that impossible."

After he was showered and dressed, Daniel got Danny up as Sam started breakfast.

A while later, seeing the two adults yawning over their morning coffee, Danny asked, "Didn't you sleep good?"

Daniel and Sam froze in the act of bringing their cups to their lips.  They exchanged a glance.

"Uh . . . Sam and I were up really late," the archeologist replied, desperately hoping that the boy didn't ask why.

He got his wish, and Danny didn't ask any more questions.

After a couple cups of coffee, they both felt pretty awake.  Sam headed home to take care of some things before going to work.  Walking into her bedroom, she looked at the bed and smiled.  One of these days, she was going to get Daniel in her bed.  It was going to have to be on a day that they didn't have to work the next morning and didn't have to worry about picking Danny up from someplace.  Once she got him in her bed, she intended to keep him there all night and a good part of the next day.

Sam was amazed by how incredibly alive Daniel made her feel.  She'd had other lovers.  Heck, she was once engaged.  Yet not one of them made her feel like Daniel did.

Sam's thoughts turned to her father.  Would he be happy about the relationship?  She knew that he liked Daniel, but it was one thing to like someone as a friend and quite another to like them as a boyfriend for your daughter.  Being a former military man, he might have concerns about them being teammates.  She hoped that he would be all right with the relationship.  She didn't want there to be any tension or bad feelings between him and Daniel.

Daniel and Sam were all right at work throughout the morning, but by mid-afternoon, the lack of sleep began catching up to them again.

It was three o'clock when Jack visited Sam's office to find her sitting at her worktable, eyes closed, head propped up on her hand.

"Burning the midnight oil again last night, Carter?" he asked, startling her.

"What?  Oh.  Sorry, sir.  Um . . . yeah, I didn't get a lot of sleep."  Sam got up and poured herself another cup of coffee.

"You know what they say about all work and no play," Jack said.

"I play, sir."  Sam blushed.  "I-I mean, I don't work all the time."

"Yes, you're right about that, at least nowadays.  Actually, I'm quite proud of you.  Daniel, too.  You two have finally realized that your entire lives don't revolve around work."

"Yes, sir."  Wanting to steer Jack away from this topic, which was in danger of going in a direction that would not be good, Sam asked, "Was there something that you needed?"

"Actually, Hammond was wondering about that doohickey SG-11 brought back.  I said I could ask you about it."

"From what I can tell, whatever it was, it's no longer functional.  I think the power is completely drained.  Lieutenant Simmons is running some scans on it right now.  We should know more in a couple of hours."

"Okay.  I'll let him know."  Jack studied her.  "You should go home early, get a decent night's sleep."

"I will, sir.  Thank you."

Jack headed up one level and went to Daniel's office.  What he saw there made him halt in the doorway.  Daniel was in almost the same position as Sam had been, except that he looked like he was actually asleep, his mouth slightly open.

Eyebrows rising, Jack looked at Danny questioningly.

"He didn't sleep much last night," the boy explained.

"Yes, I kind of gathered that."

And that's when Jack figured it out.  Oh ho!  Well, well, well.  So, Daniel and Sam were playing last night.

Keeping the smile off his face, Jack asked, "Was Sam over at your house last night?"  When Danny didn't reply, Jack studied his expression, which was the same as when Jack had been trying to get him to admit that Daniel and Sam were romantically involved.  "Danny?"

"I can't tell you."

"Ah, another secret, huh?"

The boy nodded.

"That's okay.  I've got this one figured out as well.  I'm thinking that Sam spent the night at your house.  I'm also guessing it was the first time she's done that."

Danny didn't respond for several seconds, then he shook his head.  That surprised Jack.

"She didn't spend the night?" he asked, watching the boy closely.  Danny's reaction led to him making another guess.  "It wasn't the first time?"

Danny decided it was okay to answer that one since Jack had already figured out most of it.  "No, she slept over Saturday night, too.  I wasn't supposed to tell anyone."

"Well, I figured it out anyway, so it's okay that you told me.  I won't let Daniel and Sam know that you said anything.  In fact, don't tell them that I know.  I'll . . . speak to them about it later."

"Okay.  Uncle Jack, why don't Sam and Daniel want anybody to know that Sam's sleeping over at our house?  All Daniel said was that it was something they don't want people talking about."

Oh, boy.  Think, Jack.  "Uh, it's just that Daniel and Sam want it kept private.  It isn't anyone's business that Sam is sleeping with . . .  is sleeping over at your house.  That's something private between the two of them."

"And me."

"Uhhh . . . yeeeaah, and you."

"And, now, you, too."

Jack put on a smile.  "Hey.  How about we go get some ice cream?"

Danny grinned.  "Okay.  Should I wake Daniel up and see if he wants to go?"

"Nah, let him sleep.  I'll write him a note and tell him where you are."

On a piece of paper, Jack scribbled, "Hey, Sleeping Beauty.  I've taken Danny to get ice cream."  As an afterthought, he added, "P.S.  How interesting that Carter seems to be in the same condition as you."

Smiling, Jack set the note up against the computer monitor, wishing that he could see the look on Daniel's face when he read it.

Jack would most likely have burst into laughter if he could have seen the expression Daniel got when he awoke about fifteen minutes later and saw the note.  When he first woke up, he wondered where Danny was, then he saw the piece of paper propped up against the monitor.  Recognizing Jack's handwriting, he read it.

'Oh, crap!' was his next thought.  He had no doubt that Jack had figured out the reason for Daniel and Sam being so tired.  Daniel wasn't foolish enough to believe that Jack would never have guessed that they were sleeping together if this hadn't happened, but this was so not the way he'd have wanted that revelation to be made.  It was certain that Jack would get in several digs about this.  At least Daniel didn't have to worry that the colonel would blab to anyone else.  He was not the kind of man to do something like that.

Daniel picked up the phone and called Sam.

"Jack knows," he said when she answered the phone.

"What?  How?"

"He found me napping in my chair, and, apparently, he must have found you in somewhat the same condition."

"Damn.  Yes, I was half-asleep at my worktable when he came in a little while ago.  So, what are we going to do?"

"Nothing right now.  I'm sure we'll have to put up with some teasing and thinly veiled remarks, but I'm hoping that Jack will have at least some tact and not push it too far."  Daniel paused.  "Um, it might be a good idea if you didn't come over tonight."

He didn't have to say anything more.  Sam understood and agreed.  Though she had confidence that they could manage to sleep in the same bed without having sex, the temptation would still be there.  Right now, that facet of their relationship was so new that they really were like a pair of newlyweds addicted to each other.  Sam really couldn't blame herself for feeling that way.  The last two nights had been incredible.  All she could say was that Sha're had been one very lucky lady to have Daniel in her bed every night for that year.  Sam was looking forward to when she could, too.

"Yes, I think you're right," she said, "although it's going to be lonely."

"Yes, it is."

"Okay, well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, if we don't bump into each other here."

"Yeah.  Talk to you later."

Daniel hung up the phone and sat staring at nothing for a few minutes.  He abruptly got to his feet and left the office.  A couple of minutes later, he was entering Sam's lab.

"Daniel?" she said questioningly.

The archeologist took her hand and led her over to the corner of the room directly under the closed circuit camera, where it couldn't see them.  He then pulled her into his arms and proceeded to nearly kiss the life out of her.  Sam did not protest.

Quite some time later, they parted, breathing heavily.

"I decided that if I wasn't going to get to have you in my arms tonight, I was at least going to get a kiss to tide me over," Daniel said with a smile.

"Great idea, but I think I need a second one just to make sure I last through the night."

Daniel's smile grew.  "Absolutely."

The second kiss almost got out of hand and left them wishing that there was a nearby closet.

Reluctantly, they separated.  Sam returned to her desk.

"You know, we really shouldn't be doing that here.  If General Hammond caught us, he'd give us a lecture about unprofessional conduct while on duty."

"Yes, you're probably right, but I don't think I could make it through a day without kissing you."

"Me neither."

The two lovers looked at each other.

"Boy, we've got it bad, don't we," Daniel remarked.

"Oh, yeah.  Big time."

He gave her a light kiss.  "I'll see you tomorrow.  I'll be dreaming about you."

Sam sighed.  "So will I."

When Jack came back with Danny a while later, he gave Daniel a knowing smirk.  The archeologist chose to ignore him.

"Did you enjoy the ice cream, Danny?" he asked.

"Uh huh.  Sergeant Gonzalez gave me some chocolate syrup for it."

Daniel smiled.  The sergeant must be on duty in the kitchen today.  The woman was nuts about Danny and would probably spoil him shamelessly, if she had the opportunity.  Perhaps the next time Daniel and Sam were in need of a babysitter, she'd agree to watch Danny.  Of course, she'd probably smother him with affection.

"Did you enjoy your nap?" Jack asked, the little smile back on his face.

Okay, here was the start of it.  "Yes, Jack," Daniel replied.  "I'm feeling much more awake now."

"Good, good.  Gotta keep up that energy level, you know."

Daniel smiled inside, deciding the best way to handle this was to play along.  "Oh, I agree.  I definitely need lots of energy.  Can't let myself get rundown, what with missions coming up and all."

To say that Jack was surprised by Daniel's response would be an understatement.  He'd been expecting the younger man to get all flustered and embarrassed, yet here Daniel was, tossing back retorts with cool confidence.

"Of course, that goes for Sam, too," Daniel added with a slightly raised eyebrow and a meaningful look.

Jack cleared his throat.  "Um, yeah.  Well, gotta get back to work.  Try to get more sleep tonight."

"I will.  Bye, Jack."

Daniel turned away from the colonel, focusing his attention on the computer screen.  A tiny smile came to his lips a moment later.  Perhaps this wasn't going to be so bad after all.

Sam dropped into the infirmary on her way down to the locker room to change into her civvies.

"Hey, Janet.  I'm almost out of patches.  Could I get some more?" she asked.

"Sure, I'll go get some."

The doctor came back a minute later with a box of the birth control patches.

"Are these still working out well for you?" she asked.

"Uh huh, a lot more convenient than the Pill.  When you're on a mission that lasts more than a day, having to take a pill can be pretty inconvenient."

"Yes, I should imagine so.  Most of the other female SG team members are on the patch, taking shots, or have an insert."

Just then, a big yawn caught Sam.  Janet stared at her closely.


"Uh . . . yeah, a little."

"Were you working on your day off?" Janet asked disapprovingly.


"You didn't sleep well, then?"

Sam didn't reply.


"Um . . . could we go to your office?"

"Of course."

They went to the office.  Janet studied Sam from behind her desk, waiting for the other woman to speak.

"Daniel and I made love for the first time this weekend," Sam finally confessed.

Janet smiled very slightly.  "And?"

"And . . . wow."


"Most definitely."

"That good, huh?"

Sam smiled.  "Oh, yeah.  I've had more than one lover in my life, but it's never been like that, not ever."  She laughed.  "We were acting like newlyweds."

"Ah ha.  So, that's the reason for being tired, eh?"

"Yep.  If it hadn't been for Danny, I have no doubt that we'd have spent a big part of the weekend in bed.  Sometimes, it's really hard keeping our hands off each other."  Sam's smile got bigger.  "I have a sneaking suspicion that, if I wasn't on birth control, it wouldn't be long before I was pregnant."

Janet didn't respond right away.  "Sam, this is something that we haven't discussed before, but I guess now is a good time.  Did you know that Daniel had himself tested to see if he was infertile?"

"Yes.  I knew that he was concerned about it because Sha're never conceived with him."

"When he approached me about it, we talked about you two having children.  How do you feel about having kids?"

"You know, that's an interesting question.  Up until now, if you had asked me if I wanted kids, I'd have had to think about it.  Yes, a part of me has always wanted children.  I was really tempted to adopt Cassie.  But having a baby would change a lot of things in my life, especially my career.  I'd probably have to leave SG-1.  I might even have to resign or, at the very least, take a long maternity leave until the baby was old enough to put in daycare."

"And now?"

"Now, the thought of having Daniel's baby makes me smile.  I want to have children with him."

Janet nodded.  "Sam, I'm sure you know that, as a woman gets older, the risks involved in having children begin to increase.  Also, the chances of getting pregnant decrease.  From the age of thirty-five, it becomes harder to conceive, especially for women forty and older.  Now, lots of women in their late thirties and beyond do succeed in having children, but it's something to keep in mind."

Sam stared at the desktop, her stomach tightening.  "You're saying that I may not be able to have a baby."

"No, I'm saying that it may not be as easy as it would be if you were several years younger.  You're strong and healthy, Sam, and it's far from being too late."  Seeing the look that was still on Sam's face, Janet reached across the desk and gave her hand a squeeze.  "Hey, don't worry yourself sick about this, Sam.  When the time comes that you and Daniel decide to have children, we'll talk about this some more.  If it begins to look like you might need some help conceiving, there are things that can be done."

Despite Janet's assurances, when Sam left the infirmary a short while later, she was still worried that she may not be able to give Daniel the children that they both wanted.

When Daniel and Sam agreed to spend the night apart, the reason had been to get a full night's sleep, but it didn't work out that way.

At one a.m., Daniel found himself still wide awake.  He'd been tossing and turning for the past two hours, trying to find a comfortable position and get to sleep.  The problem was that his arms were empty.

'This is stupid,' he thought to himself.  'It was only two days.  How can I be having trouble sleeping without her when I've only slept with her for two days?'  He had once spent a weekend with Sarah, yet had no trouble sleeping alone the following Monday.  But then, he hadn't been crazy in love with Sarah.  Whenever they made love, he hadn't felt like their souls were merging along with their bodies.  What he was experiencing with Sam was deeper than anything he'd ever felt before, even with Sha're.

"Boy, I really do have it bad," Daniel said aloud to the empty room.  "I really wish you were here, Sam."

With a loud sigh, Daniel closed his eyes and again attempted to relax.  He filled his mind with thoughts of Sam, imagining her there in his arms.  He'd hold her close, placing soft kisses on her face and neck.  He'd draw the smell of her hair deep into his lungs.  Her naked body would fit perfectly with his, like two matching puzzle pieces.  They would make love gently, slowly.  Then they'd fall asleep in each other's arms to awaken the next morning feeling happy and content.

It was with those thoughts that Daniel at last found sleep.

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