Stargate Horizons


Daniel was in the midst of writing his mission report when Jack came in.

Not looking at him, the archeologist said, "Jack, if you're here for some more less than amusing remarks about my . . . 'flight', you can just turn around and leave," he finally turned to the man, "that is unless you'd like to do some more flying yourself."

Jack held up his hands.  "No thanks.  I'd rather keep my feet on the ground."  He walked up to the desk.  "Actually, I'm here about something else.  I could tell that you're having an issue with killing those Methra like you did."

Daniel turned back to the computer screen.  "I'm handling it."

"I'm sure you are, Daniel, in the same way that you handle everything like that, by bottling it up inside, trying to ignore it, and pretending that you're fine."

"I am fine," Daniel insisted.

"Sure you are."

Daniel glanced at Jack, who was watching him expectantly.  He gave a sigh.

"It's just bothering me.  I never liked having to kill.  Even after all these years, I still don't like having to do it.  I know that, most of the time, it's necessary.  Usually, it's a kill or be killed situation.  But. . . ."

"But you were not cut out to be a killer," Jack said softly.  "I know, Daniel.  I've known that from the start.  To be honest, in the beginning, I thought you were the type who couldn't even pull the trigger.  Imagine my surprise when you proved otherwise in the fight against Ra.  You're not like me, Daniel.  I have no problem with killing if it's something I think needs doing.  You've learned that yourself over these years.  But you know what?  I'm glad you're not like me, not when it comes to that.  I don't ever want killing to become easy for you."

Jack rolled a chair up and straddled it.  "I understand why this thing with the Methra is bothering you.  Frankly, I'd be surprised if it wasn't bothering you.  I bet you've been thinking, 'If only there had been some other way.'  Maybe you're even thinking now that you should have just kept running, not gone after any of them."

Daniel's gaze dropped to his lap.  He had been thinking that very thing.

Jack saw the younger man's expression and guessed that he'd hit the nail on the head.  "Sure, you could have just kept running, Daniel, but the odds were sixty to one against you.  Any soldier in that situation would have taken the opportunity to take out a few of the enemy.  The smaller the force against him, the greater his chances would be to survive.  Though you may not be a soldier, you are a smart man, and not doing everything within your power to increase your chances of survival would have been stupid.  Every airman and marine on this base would have done the same thing, including Carter.  You killed eight of those things.  That was eight less enemies hunting you.  For all we know, if you hadn't killed them, you'd be dead now."

Jack studied the face of the man before him.  "Here's something else for you to think about.  If Carter and Teal'c had been with you, if you were all being hunted by those things, and you had done it to help protect not just your life but theirs as well, how would you be feeling now?"

Daniel knew that if it had been more than his life at stake, he wouldn't be having nearly as much of an issue about this.

"And here's another one for you," Jack said.  "What if it had been Carter out there all alone and being hunted by those aliens.  Or what if it had been Teal'c, or me, or, hell, anyone else?  Would you have an issue with them taking the opportunity to kill some of those Methra if it gave them a greater chance to survive?"

Daniel sighed again, knowing that he'd have wanted anyone in that situation to do all they could to make it out alive.  "No."

"Then what's the difference?  Because it's you and not someone else?  If it would be okay for someone else to do it, then it should be okay for you to.  Anything less is a double standard, not to mention damn unfair to you."

The wisdom of Jack's words sank in.  Daniel mentally shook his head.  And some people thought the man was stupid.

He finally looked at Jack.  "Better watch out, Jack.  Your dumb act is slipping."

A tiny smile curved Jack's lips.  "Then I guess I'd better leave now before I start sounding like Carter."  He got to his feet.  "So, you okay?"

Daniel gave him a small nod and the ghost of a smile.  "Yes, I'm okay.  And I'm sure I'll be even more okay tomorrow."

"Good.  Now, if you will excuse me, I've got a call to the president to make.  You should be honored, Daniel.  I put you ahead if him on my list of priorities."

"I'm flattered."

"And so you should be."

Jack left the room.  As Daniel turned back to his computer, he murmured, "Thanks, Jack."

The president, as well as several other people, liked the idea of creating an Earth colony, especially since the existence of the cities would dramatically lower the cost of getting the colony established.  It was decided that the Prometheus' first mission with their brand new hyperdrive would be to go to the planet to determine the size of the present population, how many cities there were, and make sure there wasn't another form of intelligent life on any of the other landmasses.  The results of that report would decide whether or not a colony would be considered.

When the Prometheus left for the journey the following Monday, Daniel was on it.  It had been decided that, if the planet proved to be suitable for a colony, negotiations with the world's present inhabitants should begin immediately.  SG-9 was onboard for that purpose, but, because of Daniel's existing relationship with the people, it was agreed that he should lead the negotiations.

It didn't take long to reach the planet.  From orbit, the ship scanned the surface, seeking the information that would determine whether or not the place would be suitable for a colony.

"What have you got?" Colonel Pendergast asked the officer manning the scanners.

"It looks like the human population is limited to the one continent.  From what the sensors are showing, we're talking somewhere around two hundred fifty thousand, give or take.  Most of the people are living in villages and small towns.  The biggest city has a population of about fifteen thousand."

"What about the abandoned cities?" Daniel asked.

"There are four of them, all on the same continent.  The sensors didn't detect life signs within any of them, although they all have energy readings."

"Any signs of intelligent life elsewhere?"

"Not that I can see.  Of course, if there is some primitive indigenous race living inside caves, the sensors aren't going to recognize that."

Daniel couldn't help but think about the Unas and the sticky situation that arose because no one knew of their existence on the planet that was being mined for Naquadah.  Hopefully, something like that wouldn't happen again.

The officer went on to give the rest of the information the sensors had gathered, including global temperatures and other planetary data that would be needed for making a decision about the colony.

A complete report was sent to the SGC.  Now, all they could do was wait and see what the president and the others had to say.

Daniel went to a window and looked down at the Earth-like planet.  If they got a green light and the present inhabitants agreed, this would become a second home for Earth's people.  Each of the four cities was large enough to hold around a hundred and fifty thousand people.  Not even counting the inhabitable land surrounding them, that would be plenty enough room for a colony to grow for many years to come.

The call back came two hours later.

"You've got a green light to begin talks with the inhabitants," Jack told them.  "The president says not to go overboard with what you offer.  Be generous, but not too generous."

"I'll keep that in mind, Jack," Daniel responded.

The archeologist and SG-9 were beamed down just outside Kelith's village.  Daniel was greeted warmly.

"Welcome, my friend," the overseer said, grasping Daniel's shoulder.  "We are pleased that you have returned."

"It's nice to see you again, too, Kelith."  Daniel introduced the four members of SG-9.  "Kelith, we have something that we need to discuss with you and your people, not just this village, but all your people."

"Is it about the Methra?" the man asked worriedly.

"No, it has nothing to do with them.  Kelith, do your people have a central government, a ruling body of some kind?"

"Each town and village has an overseer.  The overseers report to the governor of that territory.  The highest authority of all is the Triumvirate, who have the final say on all laws and major policies."

"Where is this Triumvirate?"

"They are in the capital city, which is a week's journey from here by foot."

"That's probably the bigger town that the sensors detected," Major Barker, the leader of SG-9, remarked.

"If we wanted to talk to the Triumvirate, what would it take?" Daniel asked Kelith.

"You must ask for an audience with them, stating your reasons.  It is best if you are accompanied by a governor, an overseer or someone else of high standing."

Daniel nodded thoughtfully.  "So, Kelith.  Would you like to take a little trip with us to the capital?"

"I would gladly journey with you, Daniel, but to be gone for at least two weeks would cause difficulties.  If we rode, it would take less time, but, even then, it would be a problem."

"We wouldn't have to walk or ride, Kelith.  We'd be traveling by spaceship, which could get us to the city in a matter of minutes.  I doubt that you'd have to be gone more than a couple of days, if that."

Kelith smiled.  "I forget that you have such wonders.  To travel through the sky would be a marvelous thing."

"Then you'll come?"

The man nodded.  "With pleasure."

"Great.  We'll leave in the morning."

That evening over dinner, for which he was the guest of honor, Daniel explained to Kelith and the others there about the colony Earth wanted to establish on the planet.  He told them that Earth would negotiate a deal that would be beneficial to Kelith's people.

"If it were solely my decision, I would  gladly give permission for your colony," the village overseer said.  "We owe you so much for removing the threat of the Methra.  When we speak to the Triumvirate, I will tell them all that you have done for us and plead that they rule in your favor."

The next morning, Kelith began his adventure of a lifetime when he was beamed up to the ship with Daniel, whose warning wasn't enough to prepare the man for the experience.

Kelith stood staring about with wide eyes for several seconds.  And then he saw the view outside the main window.  Transfixed, he approached it.

"That is our world?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes.  Beautiful, isn't it."

"It is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."  Kelith turned to Daniel.  "How many worlds have you seen this way?"

"Quite a few, actually, though many weren't as beautiful at this.  Your planet looks very much like Earth, my homeworld."

Not wanting to alarm the city's inhabitants, Daniel, Kelith and SG-9 were beamed down in an area of the city where there were presently no people.  They made their way on foot to the palace.  The gate was guarded by six armed men.

Kelith stepped forward.  "I am Kelith, son of Marsod and overseer of the village of Brend in the territory of Cardon.  These men with me are visitors from very far away who seek an audience with the Triumvirate on a matter of great importance."

The guards studied the five men from Earth, taking note of their unfamiliar clothing and weapons.

"Where are you from, and what is your business with the Triumvirate?" one of them asked.

"We come from another world," Daniel replied.  Before he could say anything else, one of the other guards laughed.

"Another world?  What sort of joke is this?" he chuckled.

"It is not a joke," Kelith declared.  "He speaks the truth.  By now, news that the Methra are gone must have reached the ears of the capital city.  I sent word to the governor of Cardon, who would have immediately sent a messenger here."  He laid a hand on Daniel's shoulder.  "This man and his people were the ones who removed the Methra from our world and made it safe for us."

"Yes, we heard some tale of visitors who came through the stone ring and sent the Methra away, but many of us believed it was just some silly story with little truth in it."

Kelith frowned.  "It is no story.  Every word is true.  I and the people of my village were part of the events that took place."

The first guard who'd spoken turned to one of his fellows.  "Go get Echaben.  He'll want to hear about this and decide if they can come in."

The guard trotted off.  He came back a few minutes later with a short, balding man wearing what looked like some kind of robe of office.  The man stared at the visitors from Earth with narrowed eyes.

"I am Echaben, chief aide to the Triumvirate.  This guard has told me who you claim to be.  If what you are saying is true, what do you want from us?  Do you seek a reward?"

"No, we don't want a reward," Daniel quickly answered.  "We are interested in the cities that were built by the people who were here before you.  We want to send some of our people through to set up a colony within those cities.  In exchange, there are many things that we can offer your people that will help you prosper and possibly save lives."

"They have great wonders," Kelith said.  "We traveled here in a ship that flies among the stars.  I saw our world from high above it."

Echaben studied the men from Earth even more closely.  He then nodded sharply.  "Very well.  You may enter the palace.  I will tell the Triumvirate all that has been said, and they will decide if they wish to speak with you."

The five SG team members and Kelith were taken to a room that appeared to be some kind of waiting area.  As they waited, Daniel went over the things he'd learned.  Based on what he'd seen in Kelith's village, he had believed that this was primarily a hunter-gatherer society, but what he'd learned and was seeing now had changed his mind about that.

"Kelith, do your people have some form of agriculture?" he asked.  "Do you grow food and raise livestock?"

"Yes, some areas do.  We do not in my village because the soil is poor for most crops, and the forest has always given us all that we need.  Until the Methra came, we never went hungry."  Kelith smiled.  "Now that they are gone, there will again be plenty of food for all."

They'd been waiting for around an hour when Echaben returned.

"The Triumvirate will see you now."

They were taken to a large room that was mostly empty except for a dais upon which sat two men and a woman, all of them dressed in ornate robes.  Both men were well into their fifties, but the woman appeared to be no older than forty.  As the group walked into the room, the woman's eyes fell upon Daniel and remained there.

"I am Shewynd," said the man on the right.  "We have been told who you claim to be and what you desire.  We did receive word that the Methra were gone, but we questioned the accuracy of the tale.  We intended to send investigators out to determine the truth of the claims.  Now, you are here, the ones who supposedly saved us from the threat of the Methra."

Kelith took a step forward.  "Lord Shewynd, I do not know precisely what story you were told about the Methra, but I was there when many of the events took place, and I swear on my honor that this man and his people are the ones we have to thank for the end of the Methras' hold over us."  He gestured at Daniel.  "This man battled alone against sixty Methra and triumphed against them.  It is he who then told the Methra that they must leave or perish."

"And who is this man?" asked the woman, her eyes gazing at Daniel with interest.

"My name is Daniel Jackson," the archeologist replied, trying to ignore the way the woman was looking at him.

"Daniel Jackson.  You must be an amazing man to fight against sixty Methra and come out the winner."

"Well, I did have some help.  If it wasn't for my teammates, I doubt that I'd still be alive."

"And these other men are your teammates?"

"No.  My team is back on my planet."

"I am Anden," said the other male member of the ruling body.  "If it is you who rid us of the Methra, we owe you great thanks, but we have many questions and concerns about this colony you wish to establish here."  He turned his gaze upon Kelith.  "Please leave us to discuss this in private.  These men will join you outside once we are finished."

Bowing his head, Kelith left the room.

Anden returned his attention to Daniel.  "How many of your people would be in this colony?  What demands would they make upon the resources of our land?"

SG-9's leader answered.  "We're not sure how large the colony will be in the beginning, but it won't be very big.  You don't have to worry about the food they'll consume.  We have advanced farming methods that will likely make it possible for us to grow crops even if the soil is poor, and we can bring through our own livestock.  In time, the colony will be completely self-sufficient.  Until then, everything it needs can come from Earth, though we'd be happy to do some trading with your people."

"As I told Echaben, we have a great deal that we could offer your people," Daniel said.  "We have medicines that cure many illnesses, technology and other things that can greatly improve your crop yield, ways to build structures that are stronger and safer.  We can show you how to make metals and other materials that will vastly improve your way of life."

"Tell me, Daniel Jackson," said Shewynd.  "What is your reason for wanting to create this colony?"

"There are several reasons.  One is that there are billions of people living on Earth.  Overpopulation is already a problem.  One solution to that is to establish colonies on other worlds.  At the present time, setting up large colonies wouldn't be possible, but there could come a time when we will want to do that.  The colony here will be just the beginning.  The main reason, however, is that we have enemies that threaten the safety of our planet.  If Earth is ever attacked, having a colony on another world would give us a place of safety to send some of our people to."

Anden frowned.  "And what if your enemies followed them here?  Then they might choose to attack us as well."

Daniel shook his head.  "We would never allow that to happen.  The location of the colony would be known by just a small number of people.  In fact, very few would even know it existed."

The archeologist considered telling then that their world was already under the threat of being discovered by the Goa'uld, but he figured that would not be conducive to a successful negotiation.  Besides, it's not like they could do anything about it anyway.  Why give them something to worry about that they were powerless to prevent?

"And why have you chosen our world?" the woman asked.

"Because of the cities that were built by the people who lived here long ago.  One of the problems in creating a colony is building the homes and other structures that will be needed.  Those cities will make that unnecessary.  They're just sitting there, ready to be lived in."

"None may enter the cities because of the mechanical guardians," Anden said.

"I can speak a language that the robots understand.  They have allowed us to go into the city."

"And what of your people?" Shewynd asked.  "What assurances do we have that this is not the first step in a plan of conquest?"

"If we wanted to conquer you, we wouldn't have to do it through trickery," Daniel replied.  "The ship that is now in orbit over this world could wipe out this entire city.  We have other weapons and vehicles that we could bring through the gate, along with a very well trained army.  If we wanted to take control of this planet, we could do so pretty easily."

The members of the ruling body looked at each other.  Anden was the one who spoke next.

"These weapons of which you speak.  We would be quite interested in trading for such things if we agreed to your colony."

This time, it was Daniel and the members of SG-9 that exchanged looks.

"Including weapons in the trade agreement is something that only our highest authorities could agree to," Barker responded.  "We don't have the authority or permission to offer things like that."

"Is there a particular reason why you're interested in weapons?" Daniel asked.  "Do you have a problem with internal wars?"

"No, none of the territories are at war with each other," Shewynd replied.  "There has been no war since the unification eighty years ago.  But there are small rebel factions who occasionally cause some trouble, those who do not agree with the present government and wish to change things.  And there is crime, of course.  More powerful weapons would help us curb both of these things."

"Well, this is something we can talk about later," Daniel said, "that is if you are willing to allow the colony."

"Would a trade agreement be possible without us permitting the colony?" Anden asked.

Daniel shook his head.  "I'm sorry, but it's doubtful.  All we want from your people and world are those cities and the nearby land to use for farming.  If the colony is approved, we will also be interested in trading for food until the colony is fully established, but that's really it, unless we discover something else you have that we'd be interested in."

Daniel's answer may have been more blunt than that of some negotiators, but these people needed to understand that they wouldn't be getting a thing from Earth if they didn't agree to the colony.  The archeologist had serious misgivings about including any kind of weaponry in the trade agreement since it could backfire catastrophically, but that decision was not up to him.  He couldn't really blame them for being mostly interested in weapons, though, not when that was always the thing that most interested the people in charge of the Stargate Program whenever they were negotiating with a civilization that was more technologically advance.  In fact, throughout the course of Earth's history, weapons had always been high on the list of desired trade items.

"Very well," Shewynd said.  "We will discuss your request.  For now, some of us have other business to attend to.  You may return tomorrow at this same time, and we will give you our answer.  If the answer is yes, then we can begin to negotiate terms."

After bidding them goodbye, Daniel and SG-9 left the room and headed for the building's exit.  They were approaching the door when a boy of around fourteen came up to them.  He handed Daniel a note.  The archeologist's eyebrows rose a notch when he read it.

"What is it?" Lieutenant Keech asked.

"A request to meet with Mistress Laleetha.  I'm guessing that she's the woman on the Triumvirate."

"Do you think it's wise that we meet with her alone?" Barker questioned.

"Um . . . actually, the request is just for me," Daniel clarified, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

The other men smiled and exchanged looks.  They hadn't failed to notice the way the woman eyed the archeologist.

"So, are you going to accept?" SG-9's leader asked.

"I'd really rather not, but I don't think that insulting her by refusing her invitation would be a smart move.  Go on up to the ship.  I'll radio you when I'm ready to leave."

Daniel followed the boy down a maze of hallways to what he realized were private quarters.

"Oh, wonderful," he muttered as he was left alone in a sitting room.  He wasn't alone for long.  Laleetha came in.  Her robes of state were gone, revealing a wine-red dress with a tight bodice and a flowing, floor-length skirt.  Her long black hair was down, whereas, before, it had been up.

"I am pleased that you accepted my request," she said with a little smile.  She went to a table where a tray with bread, cheese and wine sat.  "Would you like some wine or perhaps something to eat?"

"No thank you."

The woman poured herself a glass of wine and picked up a piece of cheese, which she nibbled on delicately.  She studied Daniel with interest.

"You intrigue me, Daniel Jackson," she said.  "From what Kelith said, you are a warrior, yet you also lead the negotiations and are a diplomat.  Such things do not exist here.  Our soldiers are soldiers only.  Negotiations and diplomacy are handled by others."

"Well, to be honest, I didn't start out as either a warrior or a diplomat.  The former grew out of necessity because of the enemy we are at war with.  The latter . . . I just sort of ended up doing."

"If you are neither warrior nor diplomat by trade, then what are you?"

"An archeologist, also a linguist and anthropologist."  When the woman indicated that she didn't know what those things were, Daniel explained.

"Ah, you are a scholar and historian," Laleetha said.


The woman smiled and came closer.  "I admire men of great learning."

"Ummm. . . ."

She laid her hand on his arm.  "You are also very attractive."

Daniel shifted in discomfort.  "Uhhh . . . look, before this goes any farther, I need to tell you that, although I'm really flattered that you, um . . . like me, and I'd be happy to chat with you, that's all I'd be willing to do."

The woman walked back to the table, selecting a piece of bread.  "Even if refusing me would mean that you will not get your colony?"

Daniel stiffened, his expression hardening.  "If that's the bargain you're offering, then we have nothing more to discuss."

Laleetha gazed at him closely.  "So, you are saying that you would rather sacrifice your hopes of a colony than spend a few pleasurable hours with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you personally, Laleetha," Daniel explained.  "That's just not the kind of person I am.  I won't trade my morality for that colony."

Laleetha turned away.  "I see."

Figuring that he'd better leave, Daniel said, "Look, I'm just going to go now.  I'm sorry that I can't give you what you want.  I hope that you won't hold it against us and will still consider the colony.  I think we could really benefit your people.  For what it's worth, I do think that you are a beautiful woman.  This has nothing to do with me finding you unattractive."

Leaving the woman's quarters, Daniel walked down the hall a few feet.  He then got on the radio and told the Prometheus to beam him up.

"So, what happened?" Barker asked.

Daniel frowned.  "I'd rather not talk about it."

"Uh oh.  That doesn't sound good."

"Let's just say that she wanted something from me that I wasn't willing to give."

"So, does this mean that we can say goodbye to any hope of that colony?"

"That I can't say.  I really hope not."

As they waited to be ushered into the Great Hall to hear what the Triumvirate had to say, Daniel was not filled with eagerness over the meeting.  Kelith had been taken back to his village, his presence no longer needed, and Daniel would far rather be there or on the Prometheus and let SG-9 handle things from now on.  But since he'd taken point in the negotiations yesterday, he couldn't bow out now.

They hadn't been there all that long when they were brought into the hall.  Daniel could not read Laleetha's expression, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

"We spoke long into the night about your request," Shewynd said, "discussing it with our advisors, and we have come to a decision."

Daniel and SG-9 held their breath.

"The three of us have unanimous decided to allow your colony if a trade agreement to our liking can be reached."

Shocked by the answer, Daniel looked at Laleetha, who was now smiling at him.

Seeing that Daniel was temporarily at a loss for words, Major Barker stepped in.  "We're delighted to hear that.  We'll be happy to begin talks on the trade agreement as soon as you'd like."

"After the midday meal will be convenient for that."

Daniel was not the least bit surprised when the same teenaged boy approached them as he and SG-9 were on the way out of the building.  The kid took him to Laleetha's chambers.  She was in the sitting room when the archeologist was brought in.

"I did not fail to see the surprise on your face when Shewynd told you that we decided in favor of your colony," she said.

"Well, yes, I was a bit surprised.  After our . . . talk yesterday, I didn't have a lot of hope that you'd vote in favor of the colony."

Laleetha smiled slightly.  "Which is what I intended."

Daniel frowned in bewilderment.  "Excuse me?"

"We know nothing of your people or your civilization, Daniel.  We cannot trust what we do not know.  The three of us decided that we wanted to see what manner of man it was who was asking this thing of us.  If we were to believe the tales about the Methra, we could not doubt that you were courageous, but many courageous men are without honor."

"Wait a minute.  Are you saying that the thing between you and me yesterday was a test?"

Laleetha nodded.

"Okay, so what would have happened if I'd taken you up on your invitation?"

"I would have been called away on a matter of urgency," Laleetha smiled again, "although, if I am to be honest, I would not have regretted a few hours spent in pleasure with you.  I did not lie when I said that you are an attractive man."

Daniel sat down, stunned by the news.  He looked up at the woman, who was watching him with a mildly amused expression.

"Okay, so I passed your test, but you need to understand that there would have been men from my planet who wouldn't have said no."

"This we know.  No world can possess only those who are upright and virtuous.  But that does not matter.  It is you who are here representing your people, so it is you whom we must have the measure of."

Daniel left the woman a couple of minutes later and was beamed aboard the Prometheus.  All the members of SG-9 were as surprised as Daniel had been when he told them everything.

"Well, I guess we can all be glad that you're an honorable kind of guy," Barker remarked.

They contacted Jack and told him that the trade talks were a go.  Daniel also told him about the interest the Triumvirate had in weapons and the reason why.

"Now, why doesn't this surprise me?" the general responded.

"Oh, I don't know.  Maybe because we've done the same thing in the past."

"Yeah, but, in those cases, the aliens we were asking to give us weapons weren't going to be sharing their planet with us . . . and they still said no.  The idea of giving those guys weapons that they could someday turn around and use against the people in our colony does not give me any warm fuzzy feelings."

"Me neither, not to mention the huge impact it could have on their society."

There was a brief silence, then Daniel said, "It's interesting being on the other side of the fence, isn't it."

"Yes, although one big difference between this case and when we were doing the asking is that we already have a higher level of technology.  The guys on that planet sound like they're on a pretty low rung of the technology ladder.  Putting guns in their hands might be a very bad thing."

"I agree, and it would be an even worse thing if the rebels they talked about got hold of any of the weapons."

"Yep.  I can talk to the president about this, but I'm pretty sure that his answer will be the same as mine.  No weapons.  If that turns out to be a deal breaker, so be it.  It's not like we have to have this colony.  If you hadn't gone to that planet, a colony wouldn't even be on the agenda."

Daniel breathed a silent sigh of relief.  "Good.  I'm glad that you agree."

"So, how long do you think this is going to take?"

"I have no idea.  If they insist on the weapons, then it won't take long.  Otherwise, it could be several days, even weeks.  The last deal SG-9 brokered took a month to hash out all the details."

"Yeah, well, if it's going to take that long, SG-9 can do without you."

Daniel smiled.  "Miss me?"

"Desperately.  Actually, I want you back here to help me deal with the idiotic plan the higher-ups have for you and that damn Al'Kesh."

"Uh oh.  This doesn't sound good.  What plan?"

"I'll tell you all about it when you get back.  You've got three days, counting today.  Then I want you back through the gate, and SG-9 can take it from there."

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