Stargate Horizons


The Replicator created in the form of Samantha Carter walked down the hallway of the ship.  The door before her opened, and she entered the room.  Fifth turned to look at her.

"You have succeeded?" he asked.

"Yes.  As we had hoped, my examination of the disruptor technology has enabled me to find a way to make us immune to it.  The Asgard will no longer be able to stop us."

Fifth smiled, thinking of the irony.  The Asgard, with the help of Daniel Jackson, had created this weapon against the Replicators, and it was they who also gave the Replicators the means to counteract it.  When Samantha Carter was taken, the Replicators that had infiltrated Thor's ship downloaded all of the data in the ship's computer, including from systems that would normally be of no interest.  A fortunate thing that had been, for it was discovered when analyzing all of the data that the plans for the original disruptor were hidden within it, broken up into small pieces and scattered throughout the computer system.  Once all the data had been found and reassembled, Replicator Sam built a disruptor, which she was then able to study for a way to make their kind immune to its effects.

Replicator Carter handed a disruptor to Fifth.  "Fire it at me."

Surprised, he looked at her.  "You have already made yourself immune?"


Hesitating, Fifth looked at the weapon that was deadly to their kind.  "Are you certain it will not harm you?"

"Quite certain."

Fifth pointed the disruptor at his companion and pulled the trigger.  The beam struck her without any effect.  He stared at her.

"You are unharmed?"

"Completely."  Replicator Carter took back the disruptor.

Fifth turned away, taking a couple of steps.  "Now that the disruptor technology can no longer harm us, we must go to Earth and kill Daniel Jackson so that he will not interfere with our plans."

"No.  As I have said, he possesses valuable knowledge that will enable us to find complete victory."

Fifth turned around, shaking his head.  "We do not need his knowledge.  He must be eliminated as soon as possible."

Replicator Carter gazed at him almost pityingly.  "It is a shame that you are so short-sighted, Fifth.  You allow your emotions to control you.  It makes you weak."

Fifth glared at her.  "The others believed that way.  How can you be like them?  I created you.  I trained you.  I gave you the knowledge you possess so that we could use it against the humans and the Asgard."

"You made me like this and gave me the memories and knowledge of Samantha Carter because of your foolish feelings for her.  Your weakness is a hindrance."

Fifth was shocked when Replicator Carter lifted the weapon and aimed it at him.  "What are you doing?"

"For us to succeed, we must be strong and cannot allow emotions to control our actions.  This is something you are not capable of."

Fifth took a step backwards.  "No.  You cannot do this."

"On the contrary," she responded, "I am quite capable of it.  You taught me well, Fifth."

Without a flicker of emotion, Replicator Carter pulled the trigger, and Fifth's body disintegrated.  She stared down at the remains.

"When the time is right, we will go to Earth, but it will not be to kill Daniel Jackson.  I have other plans for him."

With a small smile, Replicator Carter turned and left the room.

Much to everyone's relief, the remainder of the week had passed uneventfully, as did the weekend.  The moment of peace ended in the wee small hours of Monday morning when Daniel had another dream, a dream that left him with a feeling of horror and dread.  When he got to work several hours later, he asked Jack and his teammates to come to the briefing room.

"I had a dream last night," he said.

"Uh oh," Jack responded.  "Why do I get the feeling that it was not a good dream?"

"What did you dream?" Sam asked.

Daniel's eyes met hers.  "I saw a human-form Replicator, Sam . . . and it had your face."

Sam gasped.  "What?"

"I don't know how, and I didn't understand everything that I saw, but I know I'm right.  This actually sheds some light on something I saw in another vision, the one I had of the Replicator attack on Earth.  In that vision, I saw you – or what I thought was you – for a brief moment, connected in some way to the Replicators.  Now I realize that what I actually saw was her . . . it."

"Okay, let me get this straight," Jack said.  "Somewhere out there is a Replicator who looks just like Carter and is going to have something to do with the attack on Earth?"

"If that attack still happens."

"So, how come it looks like Carter?"

"Fifth must have managed to get enough neutronium on Orilla to create another human-form Replicator," Sam replied.

"And he made it look like you?  Okay, that's just plain creepy."

The thought of a Replicator with her face was more than just creepy to Sam.  It was nothing short of horrifying.

"Sir, if Fifth made a Replicator in my . . . in my image, it's almost certain that it has my knowledge and memories.  Fifth probed my mind more than once."

"Oh, joy.  That's all we need."

"What actions can we take?" Teal'c asked.

"There's really nothing we can do right now," Daniel replied.  "But something is going on.  I'm sure of it."

"We should warn the Asgard," Sam said.

Jack nodded.  "I'll get a message off to them."  He looked around at them.  "Since you're all here, I figured that we might as well discuss your next mission.  What's the next planet on the roster?"

"M6K-713," Sam answered.  "It looks like it's going to be a standard recon mission.  There are no visible signs of habitation or activity in the area of the gate.  P8S-578, the next planet on the list, looks a little more interesting.  There are some ruins nearby."

"So, I'm guessing that you'd rather have that one."

"Actually, I have another suggestion," Daniel said.

Jack looked at him.  "Which is?"

"I don't know the name of the planet.  It's one I visited while I was ascended."

Jack leaned forward with interest.  "Oh?  And what's so special about this planet?"

"I wasn't there very long, only a couple of hours, but what I found intrigued me.  I saw several cities, all of them indicating an advanced civilization, but no one lived in them.  They were in excellent condition, like they'd been abandoned only days ago.  The funny thing is that the areas were still inhabited.  There were people living a simple existence in the forests and plains at a far lower level of technology.  I had intended to return there someday, but I never got the chance."

"And you'd like to do it now."

"Do you have a gate address?" Sam asked.

"No, but we could figure it out.  I know where the planet is."

Jack gave it some thought.  "All right.  It sounds interesting, and who knows what high-tech gadgets you'll find.  Find out the address and send a MALP through.  If everything looks okay, you've got a go."

It didn't take long to come up with an address.  It turned out that it was one Jack had entered while he possessed the knowledge of the Ancients, which meant that it was a planet the Goa'uld might never have gone to.

The video that the MALP sent back revealed a dense forest with no signs of anyone nearby.  Daniel, Sam and Teal'c were given a green light by Jack to proceed.

The eyes of SG-1 scanned the forest intently as they exited the Stargate.  All was quiet except for the sounds of birds.  Even so, Daniel had a strange feeling that they were being watched, though he could not sense anyone's presence nearby.

Sam noticed the frown on his face.  "Daniel?  Is something wrong?"

"I don't know.  It's just a feeling I have, like we're not entirely alone."

"Are you sensing any danger?"

"No, at least not yet."

"What do you think we should do?"

Daniel looked around again.  "There's no one nearby.  I'm sure of that.  One of the cities I saw when I was here before is not far.  I think we should head in that direction."

Sam gave a nod of her head.  "All right.  That's what we'll do, then."

As they made their way toward the city, the feeling that they were being watched did not abate, but Daniel still couldn't sense anyone in the area.  He thought about attempting to expand his senses outward, but that would distract his attention, which he didn't want to chance right now.  Perhaps once they reached the city and were no longer out in the open, he'd try it.

They'd been traveling for around twenty minute when Daniel abruptly stopped, his senses warning him quite suddenly that they were surrounded.  Not understanding how it could have happened without him feeling the approach of the ones who were now all around them, Daniel grabbed Sam's arm.

"We may have trouble, guys."

Seconds later, sixteen cloaked figures came into view, as silent as ghosts.  Daniel could not see their faces, but he didn't need to see them to know that they were not human.  Tensing, he watched them closely, prepared to defend himself and his teammates, if necessary.

'Who are you?' asked a voice in his head that was neither male nor female.  Sam and Teal'c's reaction told Daniel that they'd heard the voice as well.

"We are peaceful explorers," the archeologist replied.  "We do not mean you any harm."

'You are not welcome here,' the voice said.

The tension level of the teammates rose with those words.

Daniel attempted to defuse the situation.  "I'm sorry.  We did not intend to cause trouble.  We'll leave, if that's what you want.  We'll go back through the Stargate and not return.  We have no quarrel with you."

He sensed the attention of the aliens focus entirely upon him.  Something brushed against his mind.  He stiffened, but did not react.

'You have power,' the mind voice said with a clear note of surprise.  'It is unexpected.  Humans do not have power.'

The mental touch grew more invasive, insistent.  Daniel reacted by blocking his mind, keeping out the one attempting to gain entrance.  His sixth sense was tingling, warning him that the danger was building.  He prepared himself for an attack, sending a telepathic warning to Sam and Teal'c.

One of the aliens began making whistling and clicking noises, which the others appeared to listen to.  Then they all turned back to Daniel.

'Your companions may leave, but you may not,' the voice said.  'You have power, and you are human.  We must know how this is possible so that we can prevent it in others.'

Sam was now getting really worried.  "Daniel?"

"Okay, look," the archeologist said to the aliens.  "You're right.  I do have power.  How it happened was the result of a unique set of circumstances.  I was not born this way.  There aren't any other humans like me that I know of.  So, if you think this might be a threat to you, you don't have to worry."

'Your offspring may have power.  We must prevent this.'

"The only way you could prevent it is to kill me.  I don't want to fight you.  We didn't come here as your enemies.  You can end this peacefully by allowing us to go back through the Stargate."

'That is not acceptable.'

In the next second, Daniel's sixth sense sent a warning blaring through him.

"Look out!" he cried, grabbing Sam and Teal'c and pushing them to the ground.  An instant later, Daniel felt a powerful destructive force hurled at them.  His mind responded and sought to push it away, but he was only partially successful.  He was struck a glancing blow, which sent agony racing through his body.

Anger rose inside him, and he responded with a telekinetic blow.  It slammed into the aliens with enough force to flip a car.  Two of the attackers staggered and fell.  Not giving the others time to recover, Daniel hit them again, this time with even greater force.  Several trees behind the aliens were pulverized by the strength of the blow, which also took out four more of the attackers.

The remaining ten struck again, this time focusing all their power on Daniel.  The pain nearly made him pass out, and he knew that, if it wasn't for his psychic abilities, he'd now be dead.  He didn't think he'd be able to withstand a third attack.

Out of desperation, Daniel changed the form of attack.  Fire blossomed forth in the air and raced outward toward the aliens.  The flames did not touch them.  The same was not true for the nearby trees, which were instantly transformed into blazing torches.

A high-pitched shrieking sound filled the air, and the ten conscious aliens covered their faces with their arms.

Knowing that it might be their only chance to get away, Daniel grabbed his teammates.

"Run!" he yelled.

Dodging between two burning trees, SG-1 fled.

"We need to get to the gate!" Sam yelled.

Daniel sixth sense immediately told him they wouldn't make it.  "We can't, Sam."

"Then what are we going to do?"

The answer came to the linguist.  "We need to get out of the forest."

Trusting his instincts, Daniel led his teammates in the direction they'd originally been traveling, toward the abandoned city.

Before they'd made it even halfway there, Daniel sensed pursuers, many more this time, at least thirty.  He knew that he could not hope to hold his own against that many in a direct confrontation, so he did the only thing he could.

Flames again raged forth, alighting the trees behind them.  As they continued to run, they left a trail of fire in their wake, one Daniel hoped the aliens would be unable to get around.

Both he and Sam were nearly out of breath when they saw sunlight streaming through the trees ahead.  At almost the same time, however, Daniel sensed more of the aliens approaching from a different direction.  Not hesitating, he set fire to the forest to block them.

Seconds later, he and his teammates burst from the trees.  They didn't stop until they were a good thirty yards past the tree line.

Thick smoke was rising above the forest, angry flames licking at the sky.  The fire was still quite small, but it would grow, if it was not stopped.  Daniel didn't want to think about who might die in that fire he had set.

He sat on the ground, his breathing gradually slowing.  The headache told him that he'd overdone it.  More worrying, however, was the pain in his back and shoulder from where he'd been hit, which seemed to be getting worse.  He wondered what damage had been done.

"What were those things?"  Sam wondered aloud.

"I don't know.  They definitely weren't human.  They had some kind of psychic ability.  It took a lot of effort to block their attack."

Sam looked at Daniel closely.  She could tell that he was hurting.  She reached out to touch his shoulder.  The moment she made contact, he gasped in pain and jerked away.

"Daniel, what's wrong."

His eyes were closed tightly.  "I didn't quite block it all."

Sam's concern skyrocketed.  "You need to let me take a look."

"I don't think I can get my shirt off."

"I will aid you, Daniel Jackson," Teal'c said.

Being careful not to touch him, the Jaffa gently helped Daniel get his vest, jacket, and T-shirt off.  Sam gasped in horror at the sight that was revealed.  Daniel's left shoulder and half his back were almost completely black.  The color was deeper and more intense than that of a bruise.

"My God," she whispered.  "Daniel?"

The archeologist was beginning to feel sick and dizzy, the familiar pain in his head from overdoing it quickly being overwhelmed by the deeper pain in his body.  He knew that something was very wrong inside him.

It was no wonder that he did not sense the approach of a group of men.  Teal'c saw them, however, and pointed his weapon at them, as did Sam.

"Come no closer," the Jaffa commanded.

The men halted.  They stared at Daniel with looks of pity.

"We are not your enemies," one of the men said.  "We saw the fire and came to investigate.  You have been attacked by the Methra.  You are fortunate that the life of only one of you is lost."

Sam stiffened.  "What are you saying?  Daniel's not dead."

"No, but he soon will be.  None survive the mark of a Methra, not one that severe."

No!  Sam grasped her friend's good arm.  "Daniel?"

His head bowed, Daniel fought hard not to lose consciousness.  "Sam," he gasped.  "I . . . I don't know if I can heal myself."

"But you have to!"

"There is no hope for him," the man insisted.

"Stop saying that!" Sam yelled.  She turned back to her best friend.  "Daniel, you have to concentrate.  You can do this."

Daniel fought desperately to push past the agony spreading like fire through his body.  He closed his eyes and attempted to focus his healing ability, knowing that, if he lost consciousness, he'd never wake up again.  For long seconds, it seemed certain that he'd fail, and then, finally, the healing power responded, spreading through every inch of his being.

A gasp escaped more than one throat as Daniel's form began to glow with a soft golden light.  Surprised and fascinated, the archeologist's teammates stared at him wonderingly.

For a full minute, Daniel sat unmoving as his body healed itself.  At last, the light began to fade.  And then it was gone, leaving behind unblemished skin.

Daniel's head lifted, and he gave a shaky sigh.

"Daniel?  Are you okay?" Sam asked.

"Mostly.  I'll be all right, though."  He looked up at the group of men, who were gaping at him with expressions of disbelief and a touch of fear.

"What are you?" asked the one who'd spoken before.  "You are not human."

"No, I am human.  I just have some abilities that the average human doesn't have, including the ability to heal myself and others."

Sam could see the tremor in Daniel's hands.  "You need to rest.  Do you think you can stand?"

"Um . . . to be honest, I'm not sure."

Standing up required the help of both of his teammates.  Once he'd reached an upright position, it was necessary for Teal'c to help keep him that way by wrapping an arm around his waist.

Sam knew that Daniel desperately needed rest and probably shouldn't even be moving yet, but they had to put more distance between them and that fire.

She turned to the group of men.  "Do you have a village or town nearby?"

"Our village is not far," one replied, "on the other side of the river."  He pointed behind them.

Sam looked in that direction.  She could see the distant shimmer of water.  Beyond that, she could make out some small structures.

"Do you think you can make it that far?" she asked Daniel.

"Well, since the only other option is to have Teal'c carry me, I'm certainly going to try."

Sam and Teal'c helped Daniel get his T-shirt and jacket back on, then they all followed the men to the village.  It was necessary for them to walk slowly, Daniel's legs feeling like they were going to give out on him.  He knew that he hadn't healed himself completely.  Before he could finish the job, however, he'd have to get some rest.  The healing process had taken a lot out of him, which was compounded by the fact that he'd already overdone it.

Stubbornness alone enabled Daniel to make it to the village, though even that almost wasn't enough.  His teammates could tell that he was nearly at the end of his strength and asked that they be taken someplace where he could rest.  They were led to a hut with two narrow beds made of wood and woven grasses and covered by furs.

Daniel lay down on one of the beds and was asleep within moments.

The spokesman for the natives was staring at him.  He then looked at the other two members of SG-1.  "Who are you?  From where do you come?"

Sam answered.  "My name is Samantha Carter.  This is Teal'c."  She gestured at Daniel.  "His name is Daniel Jackson."

"I am Kelith, overseer of this village.  What village or town have you come from?"

"We're not from here.  We came through the Stargate."

"What is the Stargate?" Kelith asked.

"That large stone ring in the forest.  It's a portal to and from other worlds."

Kelith's eyes widened in surprise.  "There are legends that the ring is a gateway to other worlds, that our ancestors came here through it, but most do not believe those stories."  He shook his head.  "You would have been better to remain on your own world."

"We're explorers," Sam explained.  "We go to other planets to see what's there and, possibly, make friends with the people we meet."

"We would give you our friendship gladly, but you will not find friends among the Methra.  Your friend is not the first that they have attacked.  There have been many deaths."

"Why do these Methra attack you?" Teal'c asked.

"Most times, it is because a person has ventured into the forest.  The Methra have declared it their domain and forbidden us to enter.  But much of the game we hunt and other food we eat are in the forest.  Without that food, our children would go hungry.  What else are we to do?  It was not always this way.  No more than two years ago, the Methra left us alone.  Many of us lived within the woods.  It was only in the deepest regions of the forest that we could not go, the places where there was little light.  The Methra shun the light, never venturing into the sun.  They move mostly at night.  One day, the Methra told us to leave the forest, that it now belonged to them.  Some who lived there refused to go.  Many of them were killed.  The rest knew they had no choice but to leave their homes.  Some of our people are now completely isolated, for they have no way to get to other towns and villages without passing through the forest.  We cannot even create roadways through the woods to allow safe passage."

Sam frowned.  "And you have no idea why things changed?"

"No, although it seems like there are many more Methra now than there were before."

Sam and Teal'c exchanged a glance, wondering if it was possible that the aliens came through the Stargate.

Kelith studied them.  "I must ask if you know what started the fire.  It will no doubt upset the Methra."

"Um . . . I think we'd better wait to explain that until after Daniel's awake," Sam replied.

The man bowed his head.  "Very well.  I will leave you to rest.  Another bed will be brought in."

"So, what do you think, Teal'c?" Sam asked once the man was gone.  "I'm guessing that the increase in the number of Methra is because a lot more came through the gate."

"That is my belief as well.  They have chosen to make this world their home and are no longer willing to share the forest land with the human inhabitants."

"Which is causing a big problem for these people."

"I do not believe that we will be able to get back to the Stargate."

Sam glanced at her watch.  "Well, we're due for a check-in in about five hours.  When we don't contact the SGC, they'll dial the gate, and we can let them know what's going on.  The problem is that they're limited on what they can do.  They can't send any other teams through, and they can't send the Prometheus because it's in the process of being switched over to the Asgard engines.  The only option would be for them to send Osiris' Al'Kesh.  Any other ship would take at least a week to get here.  I just hope that we won't have to stay here for long.  There's no telling what those aliens will do."

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